Bird cage liners are recommended bird cage accessories for maintaining the cleanliness of the enclosure. Generally, bird cages can harbor lots of waste mainly from birds’ droppings and litter. In most occasions, these wastes are dropped onto the floor or bottom of the bird cages. In case they are not removed immediately, the droppings can easily stick and build up onto the surfaces. This will not only give you a hard time cleaning but, could also expose birds to a series of health risks and make the environment to look untidy. One of the best ways to counter such hitches is by using bird cage liner.
Bird cage liners are made in the form of waxed sheets of paper, which are easily spread onto the floor or bottom of the enclosure. This ensures that all the waste and droppings are left on the liners instead of the surfaces of the bird cage. Depending on the condition of the cage or how frequent the liners accumulate wastes, these waxed papers are also easy to remove by simply lifting them from the surface. The wax used in bird cage liners is safe and quite effective such that it cannot easily be lifted off by birds even as they play inside the cage.
Bird cage liners can also deliver greater benefits in terms of keeping your birds in good health. By using bird cage liners, you have an ample opportunity of detecting any signs of ill health or uncertainty in birds from their droppings early enough before they degenerate into bigger issues. For an easier time when analyzing bird cage dropping, you can opt for a white bird cage liner. This will help you to get a better assessment of the quality and quantity of the droppings of your pets.
Since birds come into contact with bird cage liners, they are usually made from hypoallergenic materials that cannot cause any harm to birds even if they ingest by mistake. The bird cage liners are supposed to be disposed after removal and new ones installed immediately. In fact, it is always appropriate that bird cage liners are changed regularly to maintain proper hygiene of bird cages.
How to Choose Bird Cage Liners
Considering the diversity in the designs of bird cage parts and accessories, bird cage liners are also available in various options to select based on your needs and budget. They are mainly offered in diverse fabrics, sizes and prices. The following are key factors to always look into when choosing bird cage liners;
Fabric of the bird cage liner
Generally, there are different kinds of fabrics for bird cage liners including, paper, wood shavings, walnut shells, sand, kitty litter among others. Of all these, paper is usually the best material for bird cage liners mainly because, it’s economical, lies evenly on the bottom of the bird cage and also safe. However, you should always make sure that the paper used for the liner is strong and hypoallergenic; not harmful to birds even if ingested.
Size of the bird cage liner
Bird cage liners also come in a wide range of sizes, suitable for various bird cage sizes. In order to get the most suitable bird cage liner for the enclosure that you have, it is important that you know the dimensions or measurements of the bottom of the bird cage. The right bird cage liner should be able to perfectly fit or cover the entire floor of the enclosure in order to be effective. Do not go for a bird cage liner that is too big or smaller than the bottom of the bird cage.
Price and cost of bird cage liner
Although bird cage liners are not very expensive, the aspect of cost is always important since you will need the them often, provided you are keeping birds in enclosures at home. The prices can vary mainly depending on the sizes and materials of the bird cage liners. However, that should never push you into buying a cheap bird cage liner. There are many good quality bird cage liners in the market offered at fair rates, which you can easily get with your budget.
DIY Bird Cage offers the best quality and highly versatile DIY bamboo bird cages for rearing birds and, also intricate decorations across the home.