Bird Cage Seed Guard and Catchers

Bird cage seed guard and catchers are among the essential bird cage accessories that you should always have when keeping birds at home. A bird cage seed guard and catcher is designed in the form of a mesh fabric, which is attached around the bottom of the enclosure. It mainly works by trapping smaller food particles like, grains and seeds as well as droppings from the bird cage. As a result of this, having seed guard and catchers is one way to ensure an easier time in bird cage cleaning and, also maintain proper bird cage hygiene.

In fact, bird cage seed guard and catchers are very important in ensuring the cleanliness of the enclosure. Since all the waste and food particles are trapped in the seed guard, you will not experience seeds and waste from the bird cage scattered on your floors. As soon as the seed guard and catchers have collected enough materials from the cage, you can easily empty them, clean and attach back. This will also ensure that the surrounding areas where the bird cage is set up are clean. On the other hand, you will no longer spend a lot of time cleaning the bird cage and areas around the enclosure.

Apart from just the untidy display caused by the wastes and seeds generated from bird cages, they can also sometimes cause health risks to birds and the people in your home. And, one of the best ways to prevent all these risks is through quality bird cage seed guard and catchers. In fact, there are also other kinds of seed guard and catchers that can serve as an extension to the enclosure. These can also be a great way to reduce the wastage of food since they will ensure the seeds are kept within the tray.

How to Choose Bird Cage Seed Guard and Catchers

As hinted above, you need quality bird cage seed guard and catchers in order to experience all the benefits that come with using them. There are various kinds of bird cage seed guard and catchers, which you can always choose based on the fabric, size and price. The following guidelines can help you in choosing a good bird cage seed guard and catcher for your enclosure;

Bird cage seed guard and catchers fabrics

Bird cage seed guard and catchers can be made from various kinds of fabrics. However, it is always important that you choose the recommended fabrics that cannot have any side effects on the health or comfort of birds. Besides, you should also find a fabric that is not only soft but, also flexible in terms of setting up, detaching as well as cleaning the bird cage seed guard.

On the other hand, the bird cage seed guard fabric should also be finely knit so that even tiny seeds cannot pass through it. However, it should not be too heavy that it can prevent circulation of air into the bird cage since that would suffocate the birds. You may also want to consider a fabric that complements the appeal of your bird cage or aviary.

Sizes of bird cage seed guard and catchers

In order to choose the right bird cage seed guard and catcher size, it is important that you know the measurements for the bottom of your bird cage. However, bird cage seed guard and catchers are also available in standard sizes, which can perfectly work on small, medium, large and extra-large bird cages. In case you have a custom bird cage, it would be advisable to find a dealer that can offer a customized bird cage seed guard and catcher for the particular enclosure.

Price and cost of bird cage seed guard and catchers

The prices of bird cage seed guard and catchers often vary from one size and fabric to another. Although most people are usually attracted to cheap bird cage seed guard and catchers, they are not the best. For greater money value, simply find quality bird cage seed guard and catchers offered at reasonable prices, which your budget can easily accommodate.

In case you are looking for quality bird cages for all bird types and unique home décor, DIY bamboo bird cages are the ultimate choice. Our DIY bamboo bird cages are offered in standard sizes for every bird cage, aviary and home.